Putting COBISS Lib into Practice

23. October, 202415.45–16.00

Any introduction of new features into the work process presents certain challenges. However, a change as large as the introduction of new software, which is used daily by around 200 employees at various locations spread over a wide area of Ljubljana, is already a shock. For the Ljubljana City Library (MKL), as for several other libraries, participation in the project of introducing the new COBISS Loan software starts with testing the software once it has been developed to the point where it is feasible to do so. At the same time, having access to the test versions of the program allows an assessment to be made of what activities will be needed for staff training in an appropriate and timely manner, and what the changes mean for the hardware and software used in the library.

The Ljubljana City Library also faces a particular challenge with the Urbana city card, which is also the membership card for MKL. As it is a joint card of several systems, any change has to be coordinated with all parties involved, with very limited possibility to test its functioning. This paper will show the sequence of activities in the library from the first announcement of the change to the practical use of the new software.


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